Carlos A. Ramírez

Division of Research and Statistics. Federal Reserve Board.

I am an economist working on topics at the intersection of networks, financial stability, and asset pricing.

Contact Information:
Address: Federal Reserve Board. 1801 K Street NW, Washington DC, 20006.
Phone: +1 202 452 3169.


Mar 03, 2024 We finalized the agenda for the upcoming Third Conference on the Interconnectedness of Financial Systems. You can find the agenda here. If you have questions about the conference, please send an email to Programs of previous conferences can be found here: 2019 and 2021.
Dec 10, 2023 Thorsten Lehnert and I put together a special issue for The Journal of Credit Risk on Finance and Climate Change. You can find the special issue here.



  1. RFS
    Firm Networks and Asset Returns
    Carlos A. Ramírez
    Review of Financial Studies, Oct 2024
  2. EL
    On the Anatomy of Cyberattacks
    Jin-Wook Chang ,  Kartik Jayachandran ,  Carlos A. Ramírez ,  and  Ali Tintera
    Economics Letters, Apr 2024


  1. FEDS
    The Dynamics of the U.S. Overnight Triparty Repo Market
    Mark E. Paddrik ,  Carlos A. Ramírez ,  and  Matthew J. McCormick
    FEDS Notes, Aug 2021
  2. JME
    Imperfect information transmission from banks to investors: Macroeconomic implications
    Nicolás Figueroa ,  Oksana Leukhina ,  and  Carlos A. Ramírez
    Journal of Monetary Economics, Mar 2021